

Term-end exam scheduling at United States Military Academy/West Point

14 years 1 months ago
Term-end exam scheduling at United States Military Academy/West Point
Scheduling term-end exams (TEE) at the United States Military Academy in West Point is unlike any other exam timetabling problem we know of. Exam timetabling normally produces a con‡ict-free timetable covering a reasonably long exam period, where every exam is scheduled exactly once for all the students enrolled in the corresponding class. The situation is quite di¤erent at West Point. There are hundreds of exams to schedule over such a short time period that there is simply no feasible solution. The challenge is then to allow something that is not even considered elsewhere, that is, creating multiple sessions of some exams, scheduled at di¤erent times within the exam period, to allow each student to take all exams he/she must take. The overall objective is to …nd a feasible exam schedule with a minimum number of such duplicate exams. The paper describes a system that has been developed at GAMS Development Corp. in close coop
Siqun Wang, Michael R. Bussieck, Monique Guignard,
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Siqun Wang, Michael R. Bussieck, Monique Guignard, Alexander Meeraus, Fred O'Brien
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