

Termination of linear bounded term rewriting systems

14 years 7 months ago
Termination of linear bounded term rewriting systems
For the whole class of linear term rewriting systems and for each integer k, we define k-bounded rewriting as a restriction of the usual notion of rewriting. We show that the k-bounded uniform termination, the k-bounded termination, the inverse k-bounded uniform, and the inverse k-bounded problems are decidable. The k-bounded class (BO(k)) is, by definition, the set of linear systems for which every derivation can be replaced by a k-bounded derivation. In general, for BO(k) systems, the uniform (respectively inverse uniform) k-bounded termination problem is not equivalent to the uniform (resp. inverse uniform) termination problem, and the k-bounded (respectively inverse k-bounded) termination problem is not equivalent to the termination (respectively inverse termination) problem. This leads us to define more restricted classes for which these problems are equivalent: the classes BOLP(k) of k-bounded systems that have the length preservation property. By definition, a system is BOLP...
Irène Durand, Géraud Sénizerg
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where RTA
Authors Irène Durand, Géraud Sénizergues, Marc Sylvestre
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