

Terminological Default Reasoning about Spatial Information: A First Step

14 years 6 months ago
Terminological Default Reasoning about Spatial Information: A First Step
We extend the theory about terminological default reasoning by using a logical base language that can represent spatioterminological phenomena. Based on this description logic language called ALCRP(S2), which is briefly introduced, we discuss algorithms for computing so-called extensions (“possible worlds”) of a world description and a set of defaults. We conclude with an application of the theory to problems in visual query systems and demonstrate the significance of the theory for spatioterminological reasoning in general and spatioterminological default reasoning in particular.
Ralf Möller, Michael Wessel
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Ralf Möller, Michael Wessel
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