

A test of genetic algorithms in relevance feedback

14 years 3 days ago
A test of genetic algorithms in relevance feedback
10 There have been recent applications of genetic algorithms to information retrieval, mostly with respect to 11 relevance feedback. Nevertheless, they are yet to be evaluated in a way that allows them to be compared 12 with each other and with other relevance feedback techniques. We here implement the different genetic 13 algorithms that have been applied in the literature together with some of our own variations, and evaluate 14 them using the residual collection method described by Salton in 1990 for the evaluation of relevance 15 feedback techniques. We compare the results with those of the Ide dec-hi method, which is one of the 16 traditional methods that yields the best results.
Cristina López-Pujalte, Vicente P. Guerrero
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where IPM
Authors Cristina López-Pujalte, Vicente P. Guerrero Bote, Félix de Moya Anegón
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