

On the testability of SDL specifications

14 years 3 months ago
On the testability of SDL specifications
The problem of testing from an SDL specification is often complicated by the presence of infeasible paths. This paper introduces an approach for transforming a class of SDL specification in order to eliminate or reduce the infeasible path problem. This approach is divided into two phases in order to aid generality. First the SDL specification is rewritten to create a normal form extended finite state machine (NF-EFSM). This NF-EFSM is then expanded in order to produce a state machine in which the test criterion may be satisfied using paths that are known to be feasible. The expansion process is guaranteed to terminate. Where the expansion process may lead to an excessively large state machine, this process may be terminated early and feasible paths added. The approach is illustrated through being applied to the Initiator process of the Inres protocol.
Robert M. Hierons, T.-H. Kim, Hasan Ural
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CN
Authors Robert M. Hierons, T.-H. Kim, Hasan Ural
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