

Testing and Debugging Techniques for Answer Set Solver Development

14 years 16 days ago
Testing and Debugging Techniques for Answer Set Solver Development
This paper develops automated testing and debugging techniques for answer set solver development. We describe a flexible grammar-based black-box ASP fuzz testing tool which is able to reveal various defects such as unsound and incomplete behavior, i.e. invalid answer sets and inability to find existing solutions, in state-of-the-art answer set solver implementations. Moreover, we develop delta debugging techniques for shrinking failureinducing inputs on which solvers exhibit defective behavior. In particular, we develop a delta debugging algorithm in the context of answer set solving, and evaluate two different elimination strategies for the algorithm.
Robert Brummayer, Matti Järvisalo
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Robert Brummayer, Matti Järvisalo
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