

Text entry from power wheelchairs: edgewrite for joysticks and touchpads

14 years 5 months ago
Text entry from power wheelchairs: edgewrite for joysticks and touchpads
Power wheelchair joysticks have been used to control a mouse cursor on desktop computers, but they offer no integrated text entry solution, confining users to point-and-click or point-anddwell with on-screen keyboards. But on-screen keyboards reduce useful screen real-estate, exacerbate the need for frequent window management, and impose a second focus of attention. By contrast, we present two integrated gestural text entry methods designed for use from power wheelchairs: one for joysticks and the other for touchpads. Both techniques are adaptations of EdgeWrite, originally a stylus-based unistroke method designed for people with tremor. In a preliminary study of 7 power wheelchair users, we found that touchpad EdgeWrite was faster than joystick WiVik, and joystick EdgeWrite was only slightly slower after minimal practice. These findings reflect “walk up and use”-ability and warrant further investigation into extended use. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Inte...
Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, Htet Htet Aung,
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers, Htet Htet Aung, Edmund F. LoPresti
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