

Text, Image and Vector Graphics Based Appraisal of Contemporary Documents

14 years 4 months ago
Text, Image and Vector Graphics Based Appraisal of Contemporary Documents
We have designed a framework for content based appraisal of documents. Our motivation is to provide computer assisted support for answering several appraisal criteria according to the general appraisal guidelines in the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) 1441 directive. The appraisal criteria led us to investigations related to (a) finding groups of PDF documents with similar content, (b) ranking documents according to their creation/ modification time and digital volume, and (c) detecting inconsistency between ranking and content within a group of related documents. The novelty of our work is in designing a methodology and a mathematical framework for document appraisals, and prototyping the framework working with text, image and vector graphics components of PDF documents. We present example results of grouping, ranking and integrity verification for groups of scientific documents about medical topics.
Sang-Chul Lee, William McFadden, Peter Bajcsy
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Sang-Chul Lee, William McFadden, Peter Bajcsy
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