

Texture-based Transfer Functions for Direct Volume Rendering

14 years 2 months ago
Texture-based Transfer Functions for Direct Volume Rendering
Visualization of volumetric data faces the difficult task of finding effective parameters for the transfer functions. Those parameters can determine the effectiveness and accuracy of the visualization. Frequently, volumetric data includes multiple structures and features that need to be differentiated. However, if those features have the same intensity and gradient values, existing transfer functions are limited at effectively illustrating those similar features with different rendering properties. We introduce texture-based transfer functions for direct volume rendering. In our approach, the voxel's resulting opacity and color are based on local textural properties rather than individual intensity values. For example, if the intensity values of the vessels are similar to those on the boundary of the lungs, our texture-based transfer function will analyze the textural properties in those regions and color them differently even though they have the same intensity values in the volu...
Jesus Caban, Penny Rheingans
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TVCG
Authors Jesus Caban, Penny Rheingans
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