

Texture Segmentation by Minimizing Vector-Valued Energy Functionals: The Coupled-Membrane Model

15 years 4 months ago
Texture Segmentation by Minimizing Vector-Valued Energy Functionals: The Coupled-Membrane Model
This paper presents a computational model that segments images based on the textural properties of object surfaces. The proposed Coupled-Membrane model applies the weak membrane approach to an image Wl(O' derived from the power responses of a family of selfsimilar quadrature Gabor wavelets. While segmentation breaks are allowed in x and y only, coupling is introduced to in all 4 dimensions. The resulting spatial and spectral diffusion prevents minor variations in local textures from producing segmentation boundaries. Experiments showed that the model is adequate in segmenting a class of synthetic and natural texture images.
Tai Sing Lee, David Mumford, Alan L. Yuille
Added 17 Oct 2009
Updated 17 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where ECCV
Authors Tai Sing Lee, David Mumford, Alan L. Yuille
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