

Theoretical Bounds on the Size of Condensed Representations

14 years 1 months ago
Theoretical Bounds on the Size of Condensed Representations
Abstract. Recent studies demonstrate the usefulness of condensed representations as a semantic compression technique for the frequent itemsets. Especially in inductive databases, condensed representations are a useful tool as an intermediate format to support exploration of the itemset space. In this paper we establish theoretical upper bounds on the maximal size of an itemset in different condensed representations. A central notion in the development of the bounds are the l-free sets, that form the basis of many well-known representations. We will bound the maximal cardinality of an l-free set based on the size of the database. More concrete, we compute a lower bound for the size of the database in terms of the size of the l-free set, and when the database size is smaller than this lower bound, we know that the set cannot be l-free. An efficient method for calculating the exact value of the bound, based on combinatorial identities of partial row sums, is presented.
Nele Dexters, Toon Calders
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where KDID
Authors Nele Dexters, Toon Calders
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