

Is there light at the ends of the tunnel? Wireless sensor networks for adaptive lighting in road tunnels

13 years 5 months ago
Is there light at the ends of the tunnel? Wireless sensor networks for adaptive lighting in road tunnels
Existing deployments of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often conceived as stand-alone monitoring tools. In this paper, we report instead on a deployment where the WSN is a key component of a closed-loop control system for adaptive lighting in operational road tunnels. WSN nodes along the tunnel walls report light readings to a control station, which closes the loop by setting the intensity of lamps to match a legislated curve. The ability to match dynamically the lighting levels to the actual environmental conditions improves the tunnel safety and reduces its power consumption. The use of WSNs in a closed-loop system, combined with the real-world, harsh setting of operational road tunnels, induces tighter requirements on the quality and timeliness of sensed data, as well as on the reliability and lifetime of the network. In this work, we test to what extent mainstream WSN technology meets these challenges, using a dedicated design that however relies on wellestablished techniques...
Matteo Ceriotti, Michele Corrà, Leandro D'O
Added 30 Aug 2011
Updated 30 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where IPSN
Authors Matteo Ceriotti, Michele Corrà, Leandro D'Orazio, Roberto Doriguzzi, Daniele Facchin, Stefan Guna, Gian Paolo Jesi, Renato Lo Cigno, Luca Mottola, Amy L. Murphy, Massimo Pescalli, Gian Pietro Picco, Denis Pregnolato, Carloalberto Torghele
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