

Thread Allocation in Chip Multiprocessor Based Multithreaded Network Processors

14 years 10 months ago
Thread Allocation in Chip Multiprocessor Based Multithreaded Network Processors
—This work tries to derive ideas for thread allocation in Chip Multiprocessor (CMP)-based network processors performing general applications by Continuous-Time Markov Chain modeling and Petri net simulations. The concept of P-M ratio, where P and M indicate the computational and memory access overhead when processing a packet, is introduced and the relation to thread allocation is explored. Results indicate that the demand of threads in a processor diminishes rapidly as P-M ratio increases to 0.066, and decreases slowly afterwards. Observations from a certain P-M ratio can be applied to various software-hardware combinations having the same ratio.
Yi-Neng Lin, Ying-Dar Lin, Yuan-Cheng Lai
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AINA
Authors Yi-Neng Lin, Ying-Dar Lin, Yuan-Cheng Lai
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