

Throughput and Fairness Guarantees Through Maximal Scheduling in Wireless Networks

14 years 3 months ago
Throughput and Fairness Guarantees Through Maximal Scheduling in Wireless Networks
We address the question of providing throughput guarantees through distributed scheduling, which has remained an open problem for some time. We consider a simple distributed scheduling strategy, maximal scheduling, and prove that it attains a guaranteed fraction of the maximum throughput region in arbitrary wireless networks. The guaranteed fraction depends on "interference degree" of the network which is the maximum number of sessions that interfere with any given session in the network and do not interfere with each other. Depending on the nature of communication, the transmission powers and the propagation models, the guaranteed fraction can be lower bounded by the maximum link degrees in the underlying topology, or even by constants that are independent of the topology. The guarantees also hold in networks with arbitrary number of frequencies. We prove that the guarantees are tight in that they can not be improved any further with maximal scheduling. Our results can be g...
Prasanna Chaporkar, Koushik Kar, Xiang Luo, Saswat
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TIT
Authors Prasanna Chaporkar, Koushik Kar, Xiang Luo, Saswati Sarkar
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