

Tilt techniques: investigating the dexterity of wrist-based input

15 years 1 months ago
Tilt techniques: investigating the dexterity of wrist-based input
Most studies on tilt based interaction can be classified as point-designs that demonstrate the utility of wrist-tilt as an input medium; tilt parameters are tailored to suit the specific interaction at hand. In this paper, we systematically analyze the design space of wrist-based interactions and focus on the level of control possible with the wrist. In a first study, we investigate the various factors that can influence tilt control, separately along the three axes of wrist movement: flexion/extension, pronation/supination, and ulnar/radial deviation. Results show that users can control comfortably at least 16 levels on the pronation/supination axis and that using a quadratic mapping function for discretization of tilt space significantly improves user performance across all tilt axes. We discuss the findings of our results in the context of several interaction techniques and identify several general design recommendations. Author Keywords Tilt-based interaction, wrist dexterity, rem...
Mahfuz Rahman, Sean Gustafson, Pourang Irani, Srir
Added 24 Nov 2009
Updated 24 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CHI
Authors Mahfuz Rahman, Sean Gustafson, Pourang Irani, Sriram Subramanian
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