

Timbre Classification Of A Single Musical Instrument

14 years 5 months ago
Timbre Classification Of A Single Musical Instrument
In order to map the spectral characteristics of the large variety of sounds a musical instrument may produce, different notes were performed and sampled in several intensity levels across the whole extension of a clarinet. Amplitude and frequency time-varying curves of partials were measured by Discrete Fourier Transform. A limited set of orthogonal spectral bases was derived by Principal Component Analysis techniques. These bases defined spectral sub-spaces capable of representing all tested sounds and of grouping them according to the distance metrics of the representation. A clustering algorithm was used to infer timbre classes. Preliminary tests with resynthesized sounds with normalized pitch showed a strong relation between the perceived timbre and the cluster label to which the notes were assigned. Self-Organizing Maps lead to results similar to those obtained by PCA representation and Kmeans clustering algorithm.
Mauricio A. Loureiro, Hugo B. De Paula, Hani C. Ye
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Mauricio A. Loureiro, Hugo B. De Paula, Hani C. Yehia
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