

Time-frequency feature detection for time-course microarray data

14 years 7 months ago
Time-frequency feature detection for time-course microarray data
Gene clustering based on microarray data provides useful functional information to the working biologists. Many current gene-clustering algorithms rely on Euclidean-based distance metrics and fail to capture the time-dependent features of the data, usually corrupted by high levels of experimental noise. Here we propose an algorithm capable of dealing with the noise through a time-frequency approach and related measure of correlation between time-course expressions of different genes (trajectories). The approach makes use of fast multi-resolution feature classification algorithms and allows for the desired functional characteristics (such as phase delay, activation/repression etc.) to be enhanced and detected. We have applied our algorithm to time-course microarray data of Drosophila melanogaster (Arbeitman et al., Science, Sep 27, 2002, page 2270-2275). We examined various relations among homeodomain genes (referred to as group H) and regulators of homeodomain genes (group RH) as foll...
Jiawu Feng, Paolo Emilio Barbano, Bud Mishra
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SAC
Authors Jiawu Feng, Paolo Emilio Barbano, Bud Mishra
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