

Time-Sharing Parallel Applications with Performance Isolation and Control

14 years 8 months ago
Time-Sharing Parallel Applications with Performance Isolation and Control
Most parallel machines, such as clusters, are spaceshared in order to isolate batch parallel applications from each other and optimize their performance. However, this leads to low utilization or potentially long waiting times. We propose a self-adaptive approach to time-sharing such machines that provides isolation and allows the execution rate of an application to be tightly controlled by the administrator. Our approach combines a periodic real-time scheduler on each node with a global feedback-based control system that governs the local schedulers. We have developed an online system that implements our approach. The system takes as input a target execution rate for each application, and automatically and continuously adjusts the applications’ realtime schedules to achieve those rates with proportional CPU utilization. Target rates can be dynamically adjusted. Applications are performance-isolated from each other and from other work that is not using our system. We present an exte...
Bin Lin, Ananth I. Sundararaj, Peter A. Dinda
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICAC
Authors Bin Lin, Ananth I. Sundararaj, Peter A. Dinda
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