

Time-triggered buffers for event-based middleware systems

13 years 8 months ago
Time-triggered buffers for event-based middleware systems
Application developers utilizing event-based middleware have sought to leverage domain-specific modeling for the advantages of intuitive specification, code synthesis, and support for design evolution, among other benefits. For cyber-physical systems, the use of event-based middleware may result, for some applications, in a need for additional time-based blocks that were not initially considered during system design. An advantage of domain-specific modeling is the ability to refactor an application to include time-triggered, event-based schedulers. In this paper we present an application in need of such modification, and discuss how these additional blocks must be synthesized in order to conform to the input/output constraints of the existing diagram. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.6 [Software Engineering]: Prog. Environments—Integrated environments Keywords Metamodeling, software synthesis, graph rewriting
Jonathan Sprinkle, Brandon Eames
Added 29 May 2011
Updated 29 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ISSE
Authors Jonathan Sprinkle, Brandon Eames
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