

Titanium: A High-performance Java Dialect

14 years 2 months ago
Titanium: A High-performance Java Dialect
Titanium is a language and system for high-performance parallel scientific computing. Titanium uses Java as its base, thereby leveraging the advantages of that language and allowing us to focus attention on parallel computing issues. The main additions to Java are immutable classes, multidimensional arrays, an explicitly parallel SPMD model of computation with a global address space, and zone-based memory management. We discuss these features and our design approach, and report progress on the development of Titanium, including our current driving application: a three-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement parallel Poisson solver. 1 Overview The Titanium language is designed to support high-performance scientific applications. Historically, few languages that made such a claim have achieved a significant degree of serious use by scientific programmers. Among the reasons are the high learning curve for such languages, the dependence on “heroic” parallelizing compiler technology ...
Katherine A. Yelick, Luigi Semenzato, Geoff Pike,
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Katherine A. Yelick, Luigi Semenzato, Geoff Pike, Carleton Miyamoto, Ben Liblit, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Paul N. Hilfinger, Susan L. Graham, David Gay, Phillip Colella, Alexander Aiken
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