

TMAR: Extension of a Tabletop Interface Using Mobile Augmented Reality

14 years 1 months ago
TMAR: Extension of a Tabletop Interface Using Mobile Augmented Reality
Recently, many researchers have worked on tabletop systems. One issue with tabletop interfaces is how to control the table without using conventional desktop input devices such as a keyboard or mouse. A second issue is allowing multiple users to simultaneously share the tabletop system. In this paper we explore how Augmented/mixed reality (AR/MR) technology can be used to explore these issues. One advantage of AR technology is being able to bring 3D virtual objects into the real world without needing to use a desktop monitor and allows users to intuitively interact with the objects. In this paper we describe a Tabletop Mobile AR system that combines a tabletop and a mobile interface. The Tabletop system can recognize user gestures and objects and a user can intuitively manipulate and control it. In addition, multiple users have equal access for information on the table enabling them to easily share digital content. This makes possible unique entertainment and education applications. In...
Sewon Na, Mark Billinghurst, Woontack Woo
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TEDU
Authors Sewon Na, Mark Billinghurst, Woontack Woo
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