

A Tone Dual-Channel DMAC Protocol in Location Unaware Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 3 months ago
A Tone Dual-Channel DMAC Protocol in Location Unaware Ad Hoc Networks
- Directional antennas are used to improve spatial reuse, but have the problem of deafness. The DUDMAC protocol [9] uses the ORTS, OCTS, DDATA, and DACK mechanisms and a blocking algorithm for directional transmissions. In this paper, we propose a tone dual-channel directional MAC (ToneDUDMAC) protocol to improve spatial reuse. The ToneDUDMAC protocol uses the ORTS, DCTS, DDATA, and DACK mechanisms including the DDATA_tone and OCTS_tone. We use ORTS as that in DUDMAC because of location unawareness of neighbor's nodes. The DDATA_tone and OCTS_tone reduce a blocking area and improve spatial reuse. We confirm the throughput performance of the proposed MAC protocol by computer simulations using Qualnet ver.3.8 simulator.
Eun-Ju Lee, Chang-Nam Kang, DoHyung Han, Doo-Yeong
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CIC
Authors Eun-Ju Lee, Chang-Nam Kang, DoHyung Han, Doo-Yeong Yang, JeongWoo Jwa
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