

A Tool for Evaluating Ontology Alignment Strategies

14 years 2 months ago
A Tool for Evaluating Ontology Alignment Strategies
Ontologies are an important technology for the Semantic Web. In different areas ontologies have already been developed and many of these ontologies contain overlapping information. Often we would therefore want to be able to use multiple ontologies. To obtain good results, we need to find the relationships between terms in the different ontologies, i.e. we need to align them. Currently, there exist a number of systems that support users in aligning ontologies, but not many comparative evaluations have been performed and there exists little support to perform such evaluations. However, the study of the properties, the evaluation and comparison of the alignment strategies and their combinations, would give us valuable insight in how the strategies could be used in the best way. In this paper we propose the KitAMO framework for comparative evaluation of ontology alignment strategies and their combinations and present our current implementation. We evaluate the implementation with respe...
Patrick Lambrix, He Tan
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JODS
Authors Patrick Lambrix, He Tan
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