

A Tool for Specifying and Validating Agents' Interaction Protocols: From Agent UML to Maude

14 years 1 months ago
A Tool for Specifying and Validating Agents' Interaction Protocols: From Agent UML to Maude
To achieve the multi-agent systems’ goals, agents interact to exchange information, to cooperate and to coordinate their tasks. Interaction is generally recognized as an important characteristic of multi-agent systems (MAS). The usual approaches to model agents’ interactions consist of describing them as protocols [Hug04]. In the literature, several representation formalisms of agents’ interactions have been proposed. AUML is one among the most used formalisms [Hug02]. However, AUML diagrams only offer a semi-formal specification of interactions. Indeed, the lack of formal semantics in AUML, can lead to several incoherencies in the description of a MAS’ behaviour. We present, in this paper, a visual tool that essentially allows: (1) translating the description of agents’ interaction protocols (AIP), specified by means of AUML formalism, in a Maude specification and, (2) validating the generated formal descriptions through simulation. Based on rewriting logic, the formal and ...
Farid Mokhati, Brahim Sahraoui, Soufiane Bouzaher,
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JOT
Authors Farid Mokhati, Brahim Sahraoui, Soufiane Bouzaher, Mohamed Tahar Kimour
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