The recent trend in software engineering to model-centered methodologies is an excellent opportunity for OCL to become a widely used specification language. If the focus of the development activities is from implementation code to more abstract models then software developers need a formalism to provide a complete, unambiguous and consistent model at a very detailed level. OCL is currently the only language that can bring this level of detail to UML models. The purpose of the workshop was to identify future challenges for OCL and to discuss how OCL and its current tool support can be improved to meet these challenges. The workshop gathered numerous experts from academia and industry to report on success stories, to formulate wishes to the next generation of OCL tools, and to identify weaknesses in the language, which make OCL sometimes cumbersome to use. The workshop could also attract numerous people whose aim was to get an overview on the state of the art of OCL tool support and on ...
Thomas Baar, Dan Chiorean, Alexandre L. Correa, Ma