

A Tool for Visual Understanding of Source Code Dependencies

14 years 6 months ago
A Tool for Visual Understanding of Source Code Dependencies
Many program comprehension tools use graphs to visualize and analyze source code. The main issue is that existing approaches create graphs overloaded with too much information. Graphs contain hundreds of nodes and even more edges that cross each other. Understanding these graphs and using them for a given program comprehension task is tedious, and in the worst case developers stop using the tools. In this paper we present DA4Java, a graphbased approach for visualizing and analyzing static dependencies between Java source code entities. The main contribution of DA4Java is a set of features to incrementally compose graphs and remove irrelevant nodes and edges from graphs. This leads to graphs that contain significantly fewer nodes and edges and need less effort to understand.
Martin Pinzger, Katja Grafenhain, Patrick Knab, Ha
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IWPC
Authors Martin Pinzger, Katja Grafenhain, Patrick Knab, Harald Gall
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