

A toolkit for managing user attention in peripheral displays

14 years 8 months ago
A toolkit for managing user attention in peripheral displays
Traditionally, computer interfaces have been confined to conventional displays and focused activities. However, as displays become embedded throughout our environment and daily lives, increasing numbers of them must operate on the periphery of our attention. Peripheral displays can allow a person to be aware of information while she is attending to some other primary task or activity. We present the Peripheral Displays Toolkit (PTK), a toolkit that provides structured support for managing user attention in the development of peripheral displays. Our goal is to enable designers to explore different approaches to managing user attention. The PTK supports three issues specific to conveying information on the periphery of tention. These issues are abstraction of raw input, rules for assigning notification levels to input, and transitions for updating a display when input arrives. Our contribution is the investigation of issues specific to attention in peripheral display design and a toolk...
Tara Matthews, Anind K. Dey, Jennifer Mankoff, Sco
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where UIST
Authors Tara Matthews, Anind K. Dey, Jennifer Mankoff, Scott Carter, Tye Rattenbury
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