

Tools for designing and prototyping activity-based pervasive applications

14 years 5 months ago
Tools for designing and prototyping activity-based pervasive applications
This paper proposes a new approach for modelling, testing and prototyping pervasive, possibly mobile, and distributed applications. It describes a set of tools aimed at supporting designers in the conceptualisation of their application and in the software development stage, and proposes a method for checking the validity of their design. The article also presents a pervasive application implemented and evaluated using our approach. It concludes with propositions for improvements in order to build a complete modelling, prototyping and testing framework for pervasive applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.4 [H5.2]: D.2.8 General Terms Pervasive computing Keywords Mobile computing, Pervasive Computing, Activity-based computing, User Centered Design
Pascal Bruegger, Denis Lalanne, Agnes Lisowska, B&
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where MOMM
Authors Pascal Bruegger, Denis Lalanne, Agnes Lisowska, Béat Hirsbrunner
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