

Topological Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Representation

14 years 2 months ago
Topological Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Representation
We present here a theory of motion from a topological point of view, in a symbolic perspective. Taking space-time histories of objects as primitive entities, we introduce temporal and topological relations on the thus defined space-time to characterize classes of spatial changes. The theory thus accounts for qualitative spatial information, dealing with underspecified, symbolic information when accurate data is not available or unnecessary. We show that these structures give a basis for commonsense spatio-temporal reasoning by presenting a number of significant deductions in the theory. This can serve as a formal basis for languages describing motion events in a qualitative way. Topic Knowledge representation, spatio-temporal reasoning, motion description. 1
Philippe Muller
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where CI
Authors Philippe Muller
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