

A Topology Adaptation Protocol for Structured Superpeer Overlay Construction

14 years 7 months ago
A Topology Adaptation Protocol for Structured Superpeer Overlay Construction
Peer-to-peer networks can be divided into structured and unstructured based on their overlay topologies. In reality, unstructured p2p networks with superpeers have proved their capacities to support millions of users simultaneously. However, applications deployed on this kind of overlay networks, such as file-sharing, require flooding or gossip-based message routing, which puts more overhead on underlying networks and provides no guarantee on resource discovery. In this paper we propose an overlay adaptation protocol which allows structured superpeer overlay construction from unstructured p2p overlay networks with the potential to leverage the advantages of structured p2p overlay networks such as efficiency, scalability and guaranteed look-up services. The simulation result shows that our protocol can build the structured superpeer overlay with efficiency and scalability.
Changyong Niu, Jian Wang, Ruimin Shen
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where GCC
Authors Changyong Niu, Jian Wang, Ruimin Shen
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