Topology Control (TC) is a well-studied technique used in wireless ad hoc networks to find energy-efficient and/or low-interference subgraphs of the maxpower communication graph. However, existing work has the following limitations: (1) the energy model adopted is quite unrealistic - only transmit power is often considered and homogeneous decay of the radio signal with distance is assumed; (2) the interference measure does not account for multi-hop communications. In this paper, we show the dramatic effect of the underlying energy and interference model on TC. In particular, we demonstrate that by using more realistic energy models and considering the effects of multi-hop interference, radically different conclusions about TC can be drawn; namely that (1) energy efficient TC is essentially meaningless, since every link turns out to be “efficient”, and that (2) topologies identified as “interference-optimal” in the current literature can be extremely bad from the viewpoint...
Douglas M. Blough, Mauro Leoncini, Giovanni Resta,