

Toward an adaptive String Similarity Measure for Matching Product Offers

14 years 1 months ago
Toward an adaptive String Similarity Measure for Matching Product Offers
: Product matching aims at identifying different product offers referring to the same real-world product. Product offers are provided by different merchants and describe products using textual attributes such as offer title and description. String similarity measures therefore play an important role for matching corresponding product offers. In this paper, we propose an adaptive string similarity measure that automatically adjusts the relevance of terms for the product matching. This adaptation is done step-by-step during the match process and does not require training data. We demonstrate that this approach improves the match quality in comparison to the generic TFIDF string similarity measure.
Andreas Thor
Added 25 Jan 2011
Updated 25 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where GI
Authors Andreas Thor
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