

Toward Empathetic Agents in Tutoring Systems

14 years 4 months ago
Toward Empathetic Agents in Tutoring Systems
This paper presents a way of improving computerbased with lifelike presence in learning environment. The approach combines Intelligent Tutoring Systems with research on human emotion in Cognitive Sciences, Psychology and Communication. Considering the relations between emotion, cognition and action in contextual learning, we propose an architecture of a multiagent-based instructional system in which two adaptive emotional agents have been integrated. One manifests the tutor’s emotional expressions trough a 3D embodied agent, whereas the second is designed to elicit and analyse the learner’s emotional experiences during the interactions with the system. We present here the system’s architecture and its first implementation. Keywords Intelligent Tutoring Systems, HumanComputer Interaction, Emotions, Multiagent System, Learner Modeling
Jessica Faivre, Roger Nkambou, Claude Frasson
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Jessica Faivre, Roger Nkambou, Claude Frasson
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