

Toward Simulation-Based Optimization in Data Stream Management Systems

15 years 1 months ago
Toward Simulation-Based Optimization in Data Stream Management Systems
Abstract-- Our demonstration introduces a novel system architecture which massively facilitates optimization in data stream management systems (DSMS). The basic idea is to decouple optimization from the operative system by means of a secondary optimization system, which bears the burden of determining new query plans. Within the secondary system, which typically runs on a separate machine, we utilize suitable statistical models of the original data streams to simulate them. As the simulation can run at much faster rates, we are able to examine and assess new query plans in a shorter period of time without running the risk of deteriorating the original plan; we only migrate practically approved plans into the operative system. In our demonstration, we will present our prototypical implementation of this optimization architecture. We will demonstrate the interaction between primary and secondary system as well as the key features of the whole optimization process.
Bernhard Seeger, Christoph Heinz, Jürgen Kr&a
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICDE
Authors Bernhard Seeger, Christoph Heinz, Jürgen Krämer, Tobias Riemenschneider
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