

Toward a Suite of Performatives Based Upon Joint Intention Theory

14 years 5 months ago
Toward a Suite of Performatives Based Upon Joint Intention Theory
Agent communication languages defined using joint intention theory have enjoyed a long research history. A number of performatives have been defined and refined in this literature with particular emphasis on the basic performatives of REQUEST and INFORM, which subsequently have many subtle versions. Even these less common performatives have been extended and refined multiple times. In many cases the underlying definitions upon which the various performatives are based have been modified as well. While working toward implementing a multi-agent system with communications based upon joint intention semantics, it quickly became apparent that it was going to be difficult to identify a single set of performatives with correct and compatible definitions. We also realized that a set of performatives with enough breadth to cover the needs of real fielded multi-agent systems has not yet been defined. We intend this paper to provide in a single place a broadly applicable set of compatible perform...
Marcus J. Huber, Sanjeev Kumar, David McGee
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ACOM
Authors Marcus J. Huber, Sanjeev Kumar, David McGee
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