

Towards Adaptive Resource-Driven Routing

15 years 1 months ago
Towards Adaptive Resource-Driven Routing
In pervasive computing environments, applications find themselves in constantly changing operating conditions. Such applications often need to discover locally available resources on-demand. Communication protocols have been developed that base discovery not on the unique address of the destination but on application-level characteristics of the destination host. Previous work has focused almost exclusively on purely ondemand protocols to achieve these resource connections. However, because the types of resources desired may be common across applications, the discovery and routing tasks can benefit from some degree of proactivity. In this paper, we describe our adaptive approach to incorporating resource advertisement in an application-driven routing protocol. We describe the adaptation mechanism in our protocol that allows the proactive component to dynamically tune its behavior to operating conditions.
Angela Dalton, Christine Julien
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Angela Dalton, Christine Julien
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