Involving a school teacher in the development of the intelligent writing tutor StoryStation allowed progress to be made on the problem of story classification, an aspect of story understanding. An experienced Scottish school-teacher developed a rating scale and guidelines for StoryStation’s automated plot analysis agent for the story rewriting task. In this task, pupils rewrite a story in their own words, allowing them to devote their full attention to improving their writing technique instead creating a new plot. If the pupil forgets or confuses significant parts of the plot, the software needs to be able to detect this so that it may alert the pupil or their teacher. Teacher participation in the creation of the rating scale guided both the development of the natural language processing tools used to analyze the stories and the scope of the plot analysis agent. A teacher and a story-teller rated the corpus, and this scale was used to successfully train the agent to classify both ...
Harry Halpin, Johanna D. Moore, Judy Robertson