

Towards an Automatically Generated Music Information System Via Web Content Mining

14 years 5 months ago
Towards an Automatically Generated Music Information System Via Web Content Mining
Abstract. This paper presents first steps towards building a music information system like, but with the major difference that the data is automatically retrieved from the WWW using web content mining techniques. We first review approaches to some major problems of music information retrieval (MIR), which are required to achieve the ultimate aim, and we illustrate how these approaches can be put together to create the automatically generated music information system (AGMIS). The problems addressed in this paper are similar and prototypical artist detection, album cover retrieval, band member and instrumentation detection, automatic tagging of artists, and browsing/exploring web pages related to a music artist. Finally, we elaborate on the currently ongoing work of evaluating the methods on a large dataset of more than 600, 000 music artists and on a first prototypical implementation of AGMIS.
Markus Schedl, Peter Knees, Tim Pohle, Gerhard Wid
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ECIR
Authors Markus Schedl, Peter Knees, Tim Pohle, Gerhard Widmer
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