

Towards Cooperative Negotiation for Decentralized Resource Allocation in Autonomic Computing Systems

14 years 3 months ago
Towards Cooperative Negotiation for Decentralized Resource Allocation in Autonomic Computing Systems
Resource allocation is a key problem in autonomic computing. In this paper we use a data center scenario to motivate the need for decentralization and cooperative negotiation, and describe a promising approach that employs preference elicitation. 1 Resource Allocation in an Autonomic Computing System An autonomic computing system is designed to drastically reduce the role of human administrators by automating most of the managerial decision making [Kephart and Chess, 2003]. Automated resource allocation is necessary for an autonomic computing system to optimize its performance. In the large, distributed autonomic computing systems we would expect in big businesses, resource allocation will occur at multiple scales. Local allocation decisions will be made within individual elements (servers, databases, storage units, etc.) and small clusters of elements. Local clusters will contend for pools of resources in the larger domain, or across administrative domains. Although we can generally ...
Craig Boutilier, Rajarshi Das, Jeffrey O. Kephart,
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Craig Boutilier, Rajarshi Das, Jeffrey O. Kephart, William E. Walsh
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