This work-in-progress report presents the groundwork for the design of a user-adaptive web-based e-learning system. A survey and two randomized controlled experiments were carried out to compare the effects of active versus passive interaction on attitude and learning and to compare user vs. system initiated control of information presentation. Results showed that the more time-consuming active interaction was indeed more helpful to less-proficient students, but it was not as helpful to more-proficient students. Results also indicate that both more- and less-proficient students learn more from system initiated information presentation. These results will help to design a useradaptive e-learning system that can determine which kind of interactivity and information presentation works best for which students and when. Keywords E-learning, user-adaptive systems, user/system initiative, information presentation ACM Classification Keywords H5.2 Information interfaces and presentation (e.g.,...
Leena M. Razzaq, Neil T. Heffernan