
ACL Anthology

Towards efficient parsing with proof-nets

14 years 1 months ago
Towards efficient parsing with proof-nets
This paper presents a method for parsing associative Lambek grammars based on graphtheoretic properties. Connection graphs, which are a simplified version of proof-nets, are actually a mere conservative extension of the earlier method of syntactic connexion, discoveredby Ajduckiewicz [1935]. The method amounts to find alternating spanning trees in graphs. A sketch of an algorithm for finding such a tree is provided. Interesting properties of time-complexity for this method are expected. It has some similarities with chart-parsing ([KOnig, 1991, 1992], [Hepple, 1992]) but is different at least in the fact that intervals are here edges and words are vertices (or trees) instead of the contrary in classical chartparsing.
Alain Lecomte
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where EACL
Authors Alain Lecomte
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