

Towards a Graphical Notation for OWL 2

14 years 9 months ago
Towards a Graphical Notation for OWL 2
The Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) defines a set of UML metamodels and profiles for development of RDF and OWL. The UML profiles in the ODM specification adapt UML notations to provide a form of visual representation for RDF and OWL. Recently, the ODM Revision Task Force (RTF) has been focused on addressing remaining open issues and usability concerns that have arisen as implementations mature. Critical issues include the development of adequate notations to distinguish necessary from necessary and sufficient conditions for class descriptions, representation of properties and individuals, and more general support for literals. While these may seem simple, it remains challenging to find solutions that result in wellformed and usable UML models with equivalent semantics in OWL. The ODM RTF is considering solutions to these and further issues including compatibility with OWL 2. This paper describes some of the revised approaches, and presents potential extensions to the UML profile t...
Elisa F. Kendall, Roy Bell, Roger Burkhart, Mark D
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Elisa F. Kendall, Roy Bell, Roger Burkhart, Mark Dutra, Evan K. Wallace
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