

Towards high performance small animal positron emission tomography

15 years 3 months ago
Towards high performance small animal positron emission tomography
During the last decade increasingly sophisticated positron emission tomography (PET) scanners have been developed for imaging small laboratory animals. These systems often exhibit performance characteristics, e.g. spatial resolution, substantially better than contemporary human PET scanners and are often the first systems to demonstrate new technologies, e.g. avalanche photodiodebased detector modules. Despite these advances, spatial resolution, sensitivity, resolution uniformity and other performance parameters must continue to be improved if accurate general purpose imaging is to be carried out in the most popular research subject, the mouse. Moreover, as these improvements occur, methods must also be devised to minimize the resolution-degrading effects of positron range, the distance a positron travels from the decaying nucleus before encountering and mutually annihilating an electron. Range effects are particularly important for compounds labeled with "non-traditional" p...
Calvin A. Johnson, Jürgen Seidel, Javier Pasc
Added 20 Nov 2009
Updated 20 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ISBI
Authors Calvin A. Johnson, Jürgen Seidel, Javier Pascau, Juan J. Vaquero, Manuel Desco, Michael V. Green
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