

Towards Management Requirements of Future Internet

14 years 2 months ago
Towards Management Requirements of Future Internet
The Internet is one of the most successful modern technologies; we cannot imagine what our lives would be without the Internet. Despite the huge success of the Internet, many problems such as shortage of IP addresses, insufficient security and performance have emerged because of the increasing worldwide Internet population. Furthermore, the technologies developed to incrementally solve the abovementioned problems are causing new problems. Therefore, a redesign of the Internet architecture must be considered. Many research groups around the world are conducting work on the next version of the Internet architecture, called the Future Internet architecture. In this paper, we propose the management requirements and operations of the Future Internet with regard to the key parameters that are being researched through initiatives of research groups, such as FIND, GENI, FIRE and JGN.
Sung-Su Kim, Mi-Jung Choi, Hong-Taek Ju, Masayoshi
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Sung-Su Kim, Mi-Jung Choi, Hong-Taek Ju, Masayoshi Ejiri, James Won-Ki Hong
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