

Towards a Multi-camera Generalization of Brightness Constancy

14 years 7 months ago
Towards a Multi-camera Generalization of Brightness Constancy
Standard optical flow methods for motion or disparity estimation use a brightness constancy constraint equation (BCCE). This BCCE either handles a moving camera imaging a non-moving scene or a fixed camera imaging a moving scene. In this paper a BCCE is developed that can handle instantaneous motion of the camera on a 2D plane normal to the viewing direction and motion of the imaged scene. From the thus acquired up to 5 dimensional data set 3D object motion, 3D surface element position, and -normals can be estimated simultaneously. Experiments using 1d or 2d camera grids and a weighted total least squares (TLS) estimation scheme demonstrate performance in terms of systematic error and noise stability, and show technical implications.
Hanno Scharr
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where IWCM
Authors Hanno Scharr
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