

Towards in-place geometric algorithms and data structures

14 years 7 months ago
Towards in-place geometric algorithms and data structures
For many geometric problems, there are efficient algorithms that use surprisingly very little extra space other than the given array holding the input. For many geometric query problems, there are efficient data structures that need no extra space at all other than an array holding a permutation of the input. In this paper, we obtain the first such space-economical solutions for a number of fundamental problems, including three-dimensional convex hull and two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation computations, as well as fixed-dimensional range queries and fixed-dimensional nearest neighbor queries.
Hervé Brönnimann, Timothy M. Chan, Eri
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Hervé Brönnimann, Timothy M. Chan, Eric Y. Chen
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