

Towards Safe Model Transformation for Constraint-driven Modeling

8 years 8 months ago
Towards Safe Model Transformation for Constraint-driven Modeling
Abstract—Model transformation is a key technology in modeldriven engineering. Unfortunately, transformations are typically written manually and thus they are likely to contain errors and to produce incorrect or undesired output. Safe transformation is the guarantee that for every possible source model, the transformed target model is valid with respect to user-definable wellformedness criteria. This paper introduces safe transformation for constraint-driven modeling (CDM), an approach that employs model transformation to generate target model constraints instead of generating a target model directly. Safe transformation for CDM ensures that transformations only produce correct and non-contradictory constraints. We demonstrate the feasibility of safe transformation and present a formal framework for applying it to CDM in arbitrary domains.
Andreas Demuth, Markus Riedl-Ehrenleitner, Roberto
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Andreas Demuth, Markus Riedl-Ehrenleitner, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Alexander Egyed
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