

Towards Security Analyses of an Identity Federation Protocol for Web Services in Convergent Networks

14 years 4 months ago
Towards Security Analyses of an Identity Federation Protocol for Web Services in Convergent Networks
— We describe a formal approach to the analysis of security aspects of an identity federation protocol for web services in convergent networks. This network protocol was proposed by Telecom Italia as a solution to allow end users to access services on the web through different access networks without explicitly providing any credentials, while the service providers can trust the user’s identity information provided by the access networks and access some user data. As a first step towards a fullblown formal security analysis of the protocol, we specify three user scenarios in the process algebra Crypto-CCS and verify the vulnerability of one of these specifications w.r.t. a man-in-themiddle attack with the model checker PaMoChSA.
Maurice H. ter Beek, Corrado Moiso, Marinella Petr
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where AICT
Authors Maurice H. ter Beek, Corrado Moiso, Marinella Petrocchi
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