

Towards a Semantic Turn in Rich-Media Analysis

14 years 6 months ago
Towards a Semantic Turn in Rich-Media Analysis
Typical application scenarios in the area of rich-media management, such as the continuous digitisation of the media production processes, the search and retrieval tasks in a growing amount of information stored in professional and semi-professional audio-visual archives, as well as the availability of easy-to-use hard- and software tools for the production of rich-media material in the consumer area, lead to an increasing demand for a meaning-based management of digital audio-visual assets. This "semantic turn" in rich-media analysis requires a semantic enrichment of content along the digital content life cycle and value chain: The semantic enrichment of content can be achieved manually (which is expensive) or automatically (which is error-prone). In particular, automatic semantic enrichment must be aware of the gap between meaning that is directly retrievable from the content and meaning that can be inferred within a given interpretative context. Each solution has its bene...
Tobias Bürger, Georg Güntner
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Tobias Bürger, Georg Güntner
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