

Towards SLA-based optimal workload distribution in SANs

14 years 8 months ago
Towards SLA-based optimal workload distribution in SANs
—Storage Area Networks (SANs) connect storage devices to servers over fast network interconnects. We consider the problem of optimal SAN configuration with the goal of meeting service level agreements (SLAs) for server processes while retaining flexibility for future changes. Our approach proceeds in two stages, by setting up Pseudo-Boolean constraint problems and solving them with an off-the-shelf solver. First, we give an algorithm for assigning storage devices to applications running on the SAN’s hosts. This algorithm tries to balance the workload as evenly as possible over all storage devices. Our second algorithm takes these assignments and computes the interconnections (data paths) that are necessary to achieve the desired configuration while respecting redundancy (safety)requirements in the SLAs. Again, this algorithm tries to balance the workload of all connections and devices in proportion to their capacity. Thus, our network configurations respect all SLAs and provide...
Eray Gencay, Carsten Sinz, Wolfgang Küchlin
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where NOMS
Authors Eray Gencay, Carsten Sinz, Wolfgang Küchlin
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